Animated logos are one of the main trends in modern design. The use of animated logos has become widespread in mobile apps, websites, videos, and other places where dynamic content can be placed. This is due to the simplicity of their creation and the multi-format nature of animated logos - SCC, GIF or SVG formats are used. In this article, we'll take a look at the benefits of animated logos and how they differ from static ones.
What are animated logos for? Why are they popular?
The demand for animated logos is primarily related to their real practical value in business branding. The dynamic component makes such logos original and memorable.
Using animation in a logo allows the audience to focus on it. Usually people don't pay too much attention to static logos, which get lost in the flow of content. A movable logo grabs the audience's attention and allows you to quickly present your brand. This is one of the main reasons for the demand and effectiveness of animated logos.
Another advantageous feature of animated logos is that they can be used to represent much more information about a brand, product, or its benefits than static images. Animation can help create a mini story about a brand or visually demonstrate the capabilities of a product or service. In particular, you can use visual animation "before and after using the product / service."
Another benefit of animated logos is that they go well with videos and dynamic content like presentations or commercials. Dynamic content is well indexed by search engines, which has a positive effect on the speed of promoting a product or service. Logos look equally good on large monitors as well as on mobile devices. Note that in this case, animated logos perform better than static images and text.
The use of an animated logo helps to increase brand awareness, as such presentation of information will be more original and vivid. Unusual things are easier to remember, so logo animations can help you establish the connection between a brand or company and its symbol faster. Note that characters like the lion of Hollywood Metro Goldwyn Mayer have become legendary, proving the value of animation in logo design.
All of the above advantages of animated logos convincingly prove their high efficiency in recognizing and promoting brands and companies engaged in a variety of activities. Many well-known brands are now starting to use animated logos instead of traditional static ones, and young companies have used animation in branding from the beginning.
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